GeoWeb Business Application

Sharjah Electricity & Water Authority

Enterprise GIS (EGIS) Development

A new and updated centralized GIS warehouse, web mapping services and distributed client solution offering maximum benefit for utility stakeholders.

SEWA (Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority) has different directorates for water, electricity, and gas respectively. In order to access, maintain and manage its data, GIS has been employed to enhance the organizations competence GISTEC supported SEWA by creating a multi utility Enterprise GIS solution and integrated an information system based on Geocortex Essential so that the utilities information can be shared by all the enterprises, also an additional custom Web Services to cater to the Enterprise needs. SEWA can now look forward to a livelier and tech-savvy workflow group serving the 67,000+ odd households that are connected to the utilities services; primarily in areas like faster emergency response time, improved new connection time cycle for new consumes and most importantly, customer services based on well informed decisions. A latest centralised GIS warehouse, web mapping services and distributed client solution now stands to offer maximum benefit for a range for utility stakeholders and users.

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